Home Search Results Classics 1980 Ford Cream Convertible

1980 Ford Cream Convertible

2705 White Lane, Perry, GA 31069
Make: Ford
Year: 1980
Mileage: 46,404 miles
Transmission: auto
Body Type: Convertible
Exterior Color: Cream
Interior Color: Tan

Congratulations you have found the Shay of your dreams! rebuilt, new leather interior, new top, and new rumble seat interior. Full na job by Atomic Motors. This car looks and feels like an 30s used car but drives like a modern car. Shay Motors Corporation was an automobile company founded by rry J. Shay in February 1978 as the Model A & Model T Motor Car production Corporation. rry Shay arranged with Motor Company to build a limited run, modern-day reproduction of the Model A dster, with a rumble seat, that was to be sold through the network of tomobile ers and built in ttle Creek, Michigan. While having the outward appearance of the classic automobile the reproduction was built with a fiberglass body and used a modern frame and powertrain. The Model A used the same 2.3L 4 cylinder engine as a . tomatic transmission. This vehicle is located at Atomic Motors Classic in , NV just 20 mins from the fabulous Strip. Come down and see us or call OR ext 2. Additional pictures and videos may be found on our site at www.atomicmotors.net It is the responsibility of the buyer to either inspect the vehicle personally or via a 3rd party, to ensure satisfaction as to the condition and value, prior to purchase.

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